Vital Surgical Technologies is a diverse powered surgical instrument repair, comprehensive instrument retipping & sharpening company. We are 100% supportive of the oral health community. In addition to our surgical instrument retipping & sharpening services, we also sell new high-quality German-made surgical instruments for hygienists, periodontists, orthodontists and endodontists.
Dental Instrument Sharpening & Retipping Services
Vital Surgical Technologies sharpens and restores the design features of all types of surgical instruments. We have highly-trained technicians using state-of-the-art sharpening and honing equipment to bring back a precision edge to all of the high-quality instruments being sharpened and repaired. These instruments include explorers, curettes, excavators, pluggers, burnishers, spreaders, forceps, cutters, utility pliers, hemostats, wire cutters, dressing pliers, mouth mirrors, handle replacement, hoe scalers, chisel scalers, file scalers, aspirators, cheek retractors, tissue retractors, periosteals, periodontal knives, bone chisels, periotomes, elevators, luxating elevators, root tip picks, extracting forceps, deep reaching apical extraction forceps, suction tubes, rongeurs, bone files, sinus lift instruments, grafting instruments, tissue pliers, needle holders and Castroviejo needle holders.
We have a very comprehensive quality assurance process at the final QC stage of the repair to ensure 100% customer satisfaction.
Some of the many powered surgical instrument manufacturers that we service are Stryker, Sythnes, MicroAire, PneuMicro, Zimmer, Triton, Stryker Systems, 3M, Hall Surgical, Depuy, Brasseler, Anspach, Codman, Ace Surgical, Aesculap, Micro Tek, Tava, Midas Rex, Midas Tek, Osteomed, Sarns, and including Hall Surgairtome Two, Stryker Impaction Drill, Stryker Command Two, Hall Micro 100 Series.
Powered instruments are precision instruments that require special handling by trained personnel. Strict adherence to maintenance procedures recommended by the manufacturer can prevent premature failure.